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watch Discussion Topic The Insignificant Truth [HD] - 16mm dark crime satire short

Here is a link to my third fiction film in filmschool.
It was shot on 16mm and with a technique we developed called photographic sequencing (the scenes with "jerky" motion).

It is a Finnish/Brittish co-production and took 10 months in total to complete.


Length- 14min
Main Cast - Jonathan Hutchings (Rare Exports)
Kris Gummerus

Oh and please comment if you have critique, because this has been a controversial film in our school and no festivals have yet
agreed to screen it. We don't understand this at all because even though it has some mature content it's in no way that
controversial. Some of our teachers really hate it Smile I would very much appreciate tips on festivals which might want to screen it.

you've developed a technique for jerky motion!! Huh, I could do that just by not using tripod LOL...just kidding man.. It was a good film.. I liked a lot.. well established story.. well, the end was kinda obvious after seeing 1:54 to 2:01..
good stuff
Thanks! Glad you liked it.

I could have elaborated on the jerky motion though. Every frame is a still photo. All in all we had 20,000 still photos we put together. It's not stop motion, it's photographic sequencing :)