DigitalMaster DVCAM

Is anyone familiar with this? Sony's facts sheet about it makes it sound good but I'm curious if it's really that much better over standard DVCAM? Anyone?
It's supposed to help alleviate tape drop outs by being more robust. The signal recorded to the tape is identical to standard DV though. Quite frankly, I've never really had problems with drop outs in the first place.
I don't like to run multiple brands of DV tapes through my camera as some leave different residue on the heads. ...Or is this yet another urban legend? :lol:

From what I understand at one time, when DV was new, this was true. You didn't want to run differents tapes through a camera or deck. But now that DV has had a chance to mature it no longer applies.
I use Panasonic Pro tapes in my Panasonic. Everyone I work with uses the same tapes. I will only use those tapes in my camcorder. It's enough for me to know that there was and could still be a problem switching brands of tape, and the damage could require sending the camera in for a $head cleaning$. Considering there is virtually no difference in the price of the tapes, I am not willing to risk messing up a shoot, or damaging my camera.

I agree that the newer cameras and media are probably less likely to have this problem. However, I prefer to take risks where the potential benefits outweigh the potential losses. My advice would be to pick a quality tape and stick with it.