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Okay, quick shots used to be a no-no. But, these days, more and more sci-fi is being edited with lots of quick shots.

Also, should I slow up the sound effect for the chain falling to the dirt after the cyborg, General Bruno strangles the silver alien with his own weapon?

And, who can spot the tribute to the original I, Creator?


PW is mdmpllc
Okay! Someone at work suggested speeding up the very beginning of the chain fight where the aliens are spinning the chain to the point of where the cyborg general catches the chain to look more realistic. He said it looks like the chain spinning is in slow motion and it almost looks like the alien is handing the cyborg the chain. A faster frame rate would sell it better as a real fight.

Does anyone out there agree?

I can do that. There are other parts I speeded up already.
My friend was right about ramping up the frame rate for the beginning of the chain fight where it looks more like the alien is charging in at the cyborg. I doubled the speed.

I took it one step further and made the grab of the chain 1/3 faster than that. It makes the cyborg appear way more intimidating now that she can move and attack so effortlessly and fast.

I'll post the re-edited version this weekend as a new HD file so you can compare the new to the old.
Myself and an IT guy discovered issues with DailyMotion.com's video streaming and buffering, leading to choppy video playback, even on state of the art networks with high speed Internet connections. So, I emailed the website about their buffering issues.

Therefore, I am giving this link to the vimeo version of the same revised action scene to illustrate to anyone who may be interested or anyone who can benefit on how some speed effects can make a fight scene look more like a fight.

http://vimeo.com/35798121 PW is mdmpllc