Developing a :30 - :70 documentary - advice?

Currently I am developing my thesis/topic for a documentary film for my communications/film studies class and I was wondering if anyone had any advice since it will be my first jaunt into documentary filmmaking.

My mission statement/working thesis:

To view/shoot student life; likely through a montage of scenes of "a day in the life of" as well as interviews , wide shots of campus life, and group discussions. I aim to show the school through the lens.

That's a lot to cover in 30 to 70 seconds! I'd consider getting a little more specific or narrower subject...through the eyes of one student, the communications department or something like that. With a subject so large, you'll only be able to do a commercial for the school, not a documentary.

Good luck either way!

That makes a big difference! I guess I've gotten used to the H:M:S, as opposed to just hours and minutes.

Now with 30 to 70 minutes, you can fit everything that you want to know about your school into that time frame, but one thing that you might consider, the judges of your effort are going to be "experts in the field". Experts who have probably witnessed every single lame attempt at showing the school (not that yours would be lame). But that adds to your pressure. For that reason, you might consider something else, like something in your area, something in the newspaper. Be original. They like that, as long as you're repeating what they say!

Just a thought.

Hmmm, well I'm past the point of doing any sort of changes really. I'm in the final touches of my outline/script and to suddenly change things would sort of put me back weeks.

I'm just concerned since this will be my largest projects in terms of time and I'm nervous as nuts. I'm worried that it won't be the best I'm capable of. Suggestions on shots? Or is it best that I just work that out as I proceed?

Do what you do best. Don't worry about things that you can't control, and control the things that you can.

For some stress works as a great motivator, for some stress works as a great disabler. Figure out which one you are and either get rid of the stress or use it to your advantage.

I'm of the opinion that Larry the Cable guy is a genius, solely for his one line, "get 'er done". Have the confidence in yourself to just get 'er done. You got this far. You can go the rest of the way.

Hmmm, alright. I've been running into problems with the school administration; it seems they want to control what I shoot. I understand the need not to cause chaos, but it's annoying to know that some shots that I would like to do - i can't. >_>
