depends on the kind of office you're going for.
An executive corner office would have sparse, contrasty, warm furnishings with big soft light either from one side and a higher contrast (not quite noir low-key, but not romantic comedy flat lighting) or the back with venetian blinds. For this effect, you can find some venetian blinds that have been replaced or thrown away. Look for offices in the area that have recently redecorated and ask nicely if they have any waste ones that they would be willing to part with.
A cube farm would be much more middle toned and muted colors with personal clutter in some cubicles and lots of pinned up and post-it noted things around...other cubicles would be immaculate as some people get kinda AR with their work spaces. The lighting for that would be closer to the flat lighting but would have most of the light coming from overhead flourescent fixtures which would have a greenish tinge to them. Flourescent fixtures can make lots of buzz in the audio depending on your audio equipment - so you may just want to gel regular lights green above the actors. This light is then reflected back onto the people's faces from the stuff around them...lots of large flat surfaces. Computers will throw a light bluish glow into the area as well.
And Vince, stop taking my name in vain ( ego does like the attention)

Lots of people here have made 24-48 hour shorts here, not just me. They challenge you to produce quickly and make your longer shoots stronger. The part that no one see, however, is the month or two of preparation leading up to those 24 hours. The only way to make a 1-2 day shoot work out is to have all of your ducks in a row going into it. Otherwise, you will spend too much time floundering on set and not getting shots "in the can!"
Construction projects are great places to find cheap stuff, just go talk nicely to the foreman and ask if you can look through their refuse pile (you can find great lumber there too). They use 4000 2x4's in a construction project, so chucking 10-20 is nothing at all to them - their garbage piles can be great places to find raw materials to work with...where it's 5 times the number that I would normally use in any of my projects. Good places for any of the construction materials they would use to build a building. lighting fixtures would be harder to come by, but the grid for the face of them is cut to fit the space, so there's waste there generally.