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watch Demo Reel

Beautiful shots... Seems to be really "cutty" if you're trying to show off your editing chops. I would see it more as a Camera work / Cinematographer's reel in this case as there's not much more than cuts to the music (which is glorious BTW), but doesn't necessarily show off your editing skills per se. Shot choices were excellent. Quite a bit of beautiful shots in there... but seems to be quite heavily weighted toward nature/environmental shooting (which makes the few shots of drama stand out a bit) - perhaps a bit more balance between the two worlds would show them off a bit more either by adding more dramatic beats or by shortening (which I think we be a disservice to the beauty of the shots you have) to rein in the difference between the two.

It's an interesting conundrum... you want prospective producers to hire you and want to show that you have versatility, but if you have very few productions you've done of a certain type, it tends to look out of place in a reel of predominantly other stuff.
Thanks for taking the time to watch it and share your thoughts with me. My nature and wildlife work far out weighs my film experience to this point. Mainly because I do those to pay the bills, and with most things you end up doing what pays more than what you want to do which is movies. Not to say of course that I don't love and enjoy shooting in nature. It also is designed to highlight my color grading skills. My actual site has before and afters of many of the nature shots to highlight this even further.

Perhaps when I film a few more creative projects I will sprinkle in more of that work to balance it out. Thanks again for watching it.
Nice job on the grading, what technique are you using to separate the water from the top of the frame on those images? Glorious examples of what you can do with CC/Grading!
They are all a combination of things. Sometimes the lighting is right where I can separate the luminance of each part of the clip with relative ease. Other times (like that darn whale) I have to go frame by frame and actually mask around everything I want to change / leave the same. The whale was a real pain because as it breeches the water I had to mold the mask around each part of the whale, taking into account that there are splashes of water dripping off of its fins. The mask must of had 40+ keyframes. Thanks for taking an interest though.