archived-videos Dead in the Water Trailer 2

I'm testing the new trailer for Dead i the Water. The only thing missing is some sound effects so what I'm looking for now are comments on pacing and whether it hooks you or not.

The trailer is in Quicktime 7 format.

Trailer 2
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Sorry about not checking this out earlier... I've been VERY busy!

But I thought I'd check it out and let you know some comments since you requested it.

First of all, I have to say I really liked the shots. I thought they were framed and lighted well. I'm no expert but I know what I like and I thought it was done very well.

There are really only a few things I didn't like.

First is the pulling the arm from the water. I thought it seemed weird. Like why wasn't there any screaming or somehting like that? I know it's a clip, but I'd cut it to just show the woman reaching in and HEAR "You found somehting?" then cut... don't show the arm

Second, I'd change the scene when the guy runs in and says "There's something out there, it almost got me." I would SHOW him say "There's something out there." Then cut "It almost got me" Because the next clip shows someone getting grabbed.

Finally, please remove "Soon" at the end of the trailer.

Come on y'all... what do you think?
Sorry, I missed this one as we were gearing up for our weekend shoot that day.

Looks great (I'd love a bunch of these frames posted in the "lighting by axample" thread). The cinematography looks phenomenal!

<edit>Watched it again, the reds weren't flattened as badly as I had thought first time through...I think I just have an aversion to them from having to worry about it so much.</edit>

The crossfades became a bit much near the middle of the trailer. I gleaned the pertinent information you were trying to convey from it: parents buy cabin, kids find body parts in the water, find out it was contaminated by toxic waste...ZOMBIES! I too thought the arm pulled out of the water felt one would just hold it as they pulled it up (unless she works a regular job as a mortitian or an Medical Examiner). I wouldn't and I've got a strong stomach.

bottom line, I liked it other than the fast crossfades near the middle...perhaps if you lingered on the black more and gave smaller glimpses at the actual images which linked with a heart beat or breathing or other sound cue increasing in pace to get the adreneline flowing in the audience.
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Good advice from both of you. Thanks. The arm being pulled out will be amplified by a sound effect. My sound designer is currently working on it. I'll do a bit more tweaking on the rest.
what I saw looked good.. the short clips with black fades between was a bit tiresome for me personally.. and is there sound? for some reason I got no audio at all.. :( The images themselves looked very nice though.
There is audio. Don't know why you couldn't hear it. As long as you have QT7 it should play fine. What OS are you on? What player did you use?
It works in internet explorer.. but in firefox (my obvious preference) it's silent..

But the good thing is though.. now that I know I know to use an extension that lets me just load media files into the external players rather than playing them on the page. :)
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