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De-noiser Plug-in for Premiere

Hi guys

I was hoping someone could lead me to a de-noiser plugin for Adobe premiere (I have CS4). A group of my friends and I were working on a project for class... and as they saying goes, "if you want it done right, do it yourself."

Our footage is full of noise because the DP didn't bother to check the levels of the exposure / iris, after repeatedly telling her to do so. So... I really want to clear up this noise, and enhance the quality of the footage.

I conducted some research and was led to "Topaz Enhance", (click it for example vid) but the license is expensive, a trial can't be found, and (shh.. don't tell) but the cracks don't work. Basically, Topaz enhance offers plug-ins for premiere that can de-interlace, de-noise and de-grain, and the results look phenomenal. Are there any similar resources around that are preferably free?

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