
Hello all.

There is so much great information here it seems a shame we don't have a place to upload documents to create an Indie Talk database. We can always look things up by thread conversation, but sometimes there are documents that just explain things better.

Anyhow, is there support for this type of addition? It could be as simple as a Google documents account. What are your thoughts?
- Go ahead and set up two google docs accounts.
- PM the password to the "OPEN" account to any of the regulars that ask for it.
- Keep the "CLOSED" account password between our generous benefactor and yourself, then legacy that password onto your successor when you score your big hit and won't have time for us little independent rabble-rousers.
- The regulars can monkey with open documents all they want.
- The closed account is the permanent library that keeps any erratic regulars from going in there and wiping out the account when they fall off their bi-polar meds.
no, the cellphone account verification is bs, google doesn't have the right to take peoples cell numbers for no reason. just type blogvhost into google.
- Go ahead and set up two google docs accounts.
- PM the password to the "OPEN" account to any of the regulars that ask for it.
- Keep the "CLOSED" account password between our generous benefactor and yourself, then legacy that password onto your successor when you score your big hit and won't have time for us little independent rabble-rousers.
- The regulars can monkey with open documents all they want.
- The closed account is the permanent library that keeps any erratic regulars from going in there and wiping out the account when they fall off their bi-polar meds.

I started doing this this afternoon, Ray. It looks like I'll have to upgrade to 20GB because I have a bunch of Quicktime files that rock. I'll PM you a password when it's done.