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Dark Comedy film 'Ashes' on Indiegogo

Ashes is a Dark Comedy film about 3 siblings who go on a road trip to bury their father's ashes. We are in the pre-production phase of the film and have raised $3,250 out of our $35,000 goal so far.

For more information, please visit:

Ashes on Facebook:

About the Writer/Director:
Keith Walker is a Director and Screenwriter known for his autobiographical short, Chemo: A Love Story. The film had a successful run at the Cannes film festival in 2012 and tells the story of his life as a cancer patient. Walker is currently working on three projects, including Decoy (A Play set in the future), Ashes (Film, Dark Comedy), and Chemosabe (TV Series).

Chemo: A Love Story on Vimeo