Dario Argento's Suspiria on tonight, Thurs.

Dario Argento's Suspiria is on tonight at 10:00pm on Fox Movie Channel in case anyone might be interested. I've never seen it so I'm going to try to watch it tonight.

-- spinner :cool:
Freaking amazing movie. The use of color in lighting and set design is brilliant. One of the coolest looking movies ever...one of.

I'm actually looking to watch the second and third iteration very soon. I hear the second one rocks, but the third not so much.

It's too bad though that the version you'll see on TV is not going to be Argento's cut. Much will be cut (as was the Netflix stream version). My friends and I were recently watching it, and my director buddy said 'whoa whoa...screw this...they are slicing this thing.' And he made me quickly drive him to his house (a few blocks away) to get the DVD for the full version. Big difference.
It's too bad though that the version you'll see on TV is not going to be Argento's cut. Much will be cut (as was the Netflix stream version). My friends and I were recently watching it, and my director buddy said 'whoa whoa...screw this...they are slicing this thing.' And he made me quickly drive him to his house (a few blocks away) to get the DVD for the full version. Big difference.

I hope that was why I was so-so on this film. I've heard so much about it, that I was expecting it to be one of those great 70's horror movies. I wasn't really sure about the use of color. Just when I thought I was getting it, I didn't.

I dunno about Suspiria, I really wanted to like it......

-- spinner :cool:
Oh bummer, I had it in my watch instant queue, but I'll stay away from that version now.

Do you know if I were to rent the physical DVD, if that is the uncut version? Or was your friend's copy a special edition?