Dang Poke..

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I wanted in on that political issue.

Why did you close it :(

The theory is that Bush was going to capture bin laden just before his election to boost ratings.

Instead thishappens. Im guessing because everyone knew he would.. so he changed his strategy..

Every forum I been on has said this.. And I was thinking this well over a year ago.

I thought this was supposed to be the open forum for anything to talk about.

Eats a nacho*
PS.. Bin Laden is known to need Kidney Dialisis. He was said to be near death a year ago.

Look at him now. He's well groomed, He has a podium in front of him with a nice backdrop.

This guy isnt in a cave. He's more then likely in Arabia or Pakistan and not Afghanistan.

So why are our Men there?

this is a lame ass war.
Gonna lock this thread as well ... if you want to know why I locked the other one, read my last entry in it. I know it's not a popular decision to block political threads at this point, but I feel it is a necessary evil on my part.

Listen, in the next few days, these kind of discussions can only hurt our board in my opinion. Everyone is more than welcome to discuss their opinions by PM ... just done' drag your political arguments out here on the main board.

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