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cs5.5 importing files problem

Hi guys, i am working on a project that uses both xdcam ex and dslr files both shot in 1080p...

all the original files work fine on my comp but as soon as i import them to premiere all the audio messes up, drops out and is generally not in sync with the clips... the video is fine.

Its definitely a problem with the import process... but what i do not know.

Premiere spent ages conforming the clips but from my little knowledge it doesnt seem to ahve conformed them properly.

I set up the sequence for 1080p xdcam ex footage.

If i start another project and re import them same problem happens.

any ideas?
i have fixed the problem, i had to locate the "Media Cache" file and delete all the conformed audio files.... this file was well hidden btw!

I think my problem started originally as i imported both dslr footage and xdcam footage from the same file all in one go and the poor thing got confused bless its little heart.

No i have an all night session to get this editing done for submission tomorrow