archived-videos "Crooked Features" - trailer

Hi there, I'm new here. Thought I'd start by posting the trailer to my feature-length documentary that has already been compared to Spinal Tap. Hope you enjoy it.

16MB Quicktime

3MB Quicktime

3MB Windows Media

I'm also keeping a production diary (including daily ramblings), it goes back six months

Let me know what you think.

These press releases will give some backstory to what my documentary is all about:

See y'all around
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That trailer was awsome!!!it kept my attention the whole way through. :lol:

Bud Spencer said:
How big of an influence was Spinal Tap in making this movie?

I'd like to know

Any influence was subliminal, but similarities have been noted by those that have seen it.

I'm now also in the process of getting an electronic press kit together, which you can read about and download here:

And we have an official picture gallery now:

(note to self: must activate email notification)
Looks good. Is it entirely in the form of a "making of" documentary, or does the audience see action outside of that.

It is very "Christopher Guest" -- like a combination of Spinal Tap and Waiting for Guffman.

I don't recall a parody like this about the making of a film. Can anyone else think of one?
There is some "in film" footage, yes.

I'm not familiar with Waiting for Guffman, but I would say other influences are things like Living In Oblivion, UHF and The Wizard of Speed and Time - which are all films about the making of films/TV though with conventional narrative (well, mostly - certainly not docco anyway). Oh, and Bowfinger.

The biggest influence however has been my personal experience whilst working for others :-)
miker71 said:
There is some "in film" footage, yes.

I'm not familiar with Waiting for Guffman, but I would say other influences are things like Living In Oblivion, UHF and The Wizard of Speed and Time - which are all films about the making of films/TV though with conventional narrative (well, mostly - certainly not docco anyway). Oh, and Bowfinger.

The biggest influence however has been my personal experience whilst working for others :-)

Waiting for Guffman was done by the same guys behind Spinal Tap in pretty much the same way. It's about a failed broadway actor who returns to his hometown to direct a musical in honor of the town's anniversary.

I love UHF, though I saw it recently and it isn't quite as funny as it was when I was 10.
miker71 said:
...I would say other influences are...UHF...

Any movie influenced by UHF is on my to see list.

"Sex with furniture, what do you think?"

"These floors are dirty as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"

"Shut up you little weasel!"

"Hey Baldy!"

"Badgers? Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!"

"Today we are teaching poodles how to fly."

"Well call me Mr. Butterfingers."


I could go on forever.

T Shipley said:
I love UHF, though I saw it recently and it isn't quite as funny as it was when I was 10.


The humour in my movie is a lot more subtle and underplayed than in UHF, so I hope you're not disappointed!

Another indirect influence on the movie has been Chris Morris and the likes of "The Day Today" and "BrassEye". I see he's also behind the recent Nathan Barley, which I haven't seen at all yet.
miker71 said:
Chris Morris and the likes of "The Day Today" and "BrassEye". I see he's also behind the recent Nathan Barley, which I haven't seen at all yet.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
that guy is the genuine comedian's comedian, bit too ironic and post-modern, hell, even post-humour for most people, but he is easily the most daring on the modern cult/popular comics.