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watch Creative Portfolio - Four Years of Film

Hello everyone!

I'm posting this in narrative, because it seems to closest resemble a narrative story.

As many of you know, I'm going to attend Columbia College Chicago in the fall for film. So, this month Columbia required I submit a creative portfolio for scholarship possibilities. The portfolio consisted of some screenplays, pieces of writing, my music, my magazine, and this video.

I suppose it's a narrative, because it's a collection of narratives. I struggled heavily to stay within my 15 minute restraint, because I had so much content I wanted to share. So, I tackled it in the way that you'll see here, hopping around chronologically.

The reason I wanted to share it here, is because I remember when I first joined Indietalk in 2011 while making 'Forsaken Road', the first film on the reel. Now, four years later I'm still active with all of you here, continuing to learn from this wonderful community.

So, here's the past four years of my films, consolidated into fifteen minutes!
