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Creative Challenge: Make a film to existing music...

I would like to encourage creative filmmakers/annimators (and creative artists of any type, for that matter) to use my newly released CD as the inspiration for a new work. The idea is to turn the standard process on its head, so instead of adding music to a completed film, rather, create a film around completed music.

The music is electro-acoustic, sci-fi-soundtrack-esque, with world-music influences -- dark and atmospheric. The CD is called, A.I. Awakens, and was originally composed to depict a sci-fi scenario, which is described below. It would be interesting to see this story realized in film, or another sci-fi story, or, perhaps even MORE interesting, a story of a completely different kind.

All I ask is that you show me the final result of your efforts and allow visitors to my website to view your film online, so they can see how our two works have melded together. Of course, I will provide links your website as well. I look forward to many surprising marriages of your work with mine.

You are free to use the music for creative, non-commercial purposes. For the purposes of this type of collaborative use, I am using the innovative, Creative Commons, "some rights reserved" approach to licensing, which means that you have my permission to use the music according to these simple guidelines:

Attribution: I let others copy, distribute, display, and perform my copyrighted work — and derivative works based upon it — but only if they give credit the way I request.

Noncommercial: I let others copy, distribute, display, and perform my work — and derivative works based upon it — but for noncommercial purposes only.

You can see the cover and hear samples here: http://www.myspace.com/spaceagefurnituremusic

Here's the main website for the CD: http://www.SpaceageFurnitureMusic.com

And you can actually buy it here (only $10 for the CD or the downloadable version): http://cdbaby.com/cd/chrisarmstrong

Below is a listing of the tracks and the story depicted by the music:


Chris Armstrong

1. Prelude - Like Nanobots to a Flame 1:30
A cloud of flying nanobots is attracted to various energy sources around the robot insect factory.

2. Robot Insect Factory 6:04
Robot insects are being constructed and then go on to construct more of their kind, geometrically proliferating.

3. Prelude - Stimulus-Response 2:46
Macro and nano bots interact and begin refining their sensory sub-nets and genetic algorithms.

4. Reptilian Mind 5:55
Primitive, instinct-driven, proto-minds begin emerging and evolving.

5. Prelude - Connecting the Bots 3:47
Swarms of bots develop interconnections, linking them into large meta-networks.

6. Neurons Coalesce 11:04
Connections are reinforced, both within each bot and between bot-clusters that comprise the newly forming networks of networks.

7. Prelude - Cerebral Swarm 2:02
Perception-cognition-inference links careen through the bot-net, creating embryonic conceptual dependency patterns.

8. Neural Critical Mass 7:54
The proliferation of connections reaches a tipping-point and the beginnings of consciousness start to emerge.

9. Prelude - Society of Minds 3:07
All bots and bot-nets begin exhibiting intelligent behavior and system-wide interconnectedness.

10. A.I. Awakens - A Tumult of Inner Voices 7:27
Self-organizing neural wave-patterns propagate exponentially and goal-directed perception-cognition correlates attain a level of non-linear hyper-integration. This pushes the entire network across the critical sentience-threshold. Self-awareness and full-consciousness emerge throughout the entire neural-plexus hierarchy, from the individual bot level to the interconnected bot-cloud, meta-network level. The Singularity is nigh.

11. Prelude - Outside Normal Parameters 2:12
Fundamental instabilities in the inter/intra-network structure begin to surface, causing random firings and misfirings of excitatory and inhibitory signals throughout the convoluted multi-level substrate of the newly evolved holo-tronic consciousness.

12. Cascade Failure 9:04
Progressive waves of systemic neural collapse surge through the A.I. in torrents of chain reactions, leaving the entire distributed organism in a state of near catatonia.

13. Prelude - The Dying of the Light 2:42
While consciousness rapidly ebbs away, the final impulses of disconnected images and sensations ripple across the remaining fragments of the A.I.'s cyber-subconscious.

14. So Newly Dead 4:59
Total neural collapse. Brain death. The void. The Singularity will have to wait for a future, and more stable, confluence of complexity, massively parallel interconnectedness, self-organization, and emergence.