Creating a "yanking effect"

So im filming a horror based short this winter (once it snows), and I am looking to get a low angle shot of the Actor being yanked into the trees. For sake of comparison, that shot in alien vs cowboys where Daniel Craig's broad is pulled out of the house thru the ceiling.

For simplicity, I am thinking of filming the actor jump out of the tree flailing, then simply reversing the shot. So basically i will show a shot of him standing, cut to another point, then cut back to him right as he as lifted (so not to show him collapsing into the snow). If that makes sense.

Sounds like you are on the right track. You might have to do a few takes, to try and get your actor to act, while falling. Also maybe a shot of him jumping in the air, which would be the beginning shot. Then maybe cut to a shot looking up into the tree (kind of his pov shot), then back to your reversed footage of him falling from tree. Or something along this lines.

Or even instead of the "his pov" shot. You could position the camera under him, while he carefully jumps, hopefully not landing on the camera or cameraman. Reverse that, and use for your cut away. So your character is walking under tree, he jumps in the air, like he's being pulled up. You cut to the reverse footage of camera looking up, then cut back to the reversed footage of him falling from the tree. Seems like a possibility.
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As a way to hide the bending of the knees needed to spring into the air, the actor could, in reverse, crouch down in fear while looking up... then spring upward toward the tree tops while looking down in disbelief, perhaps. Or on the other side, jumping to the ground and landing into a crouch position, looking up then standing and looking back in a normal direction, after which maybe a step backwards to "start" the effect. Of course a few practice runs will be needed to get the actor to look natural in the motions.
??? maybe ???