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Cowrite contest first deadline approaching

The deadline for your first 10 pages of the Cowrite community-sourced screenplay is approaching.

Standard Deadline: JANUARY 18, 2009 ($10)
Extended Deadline: JANUARY 21, 2009 ($14)

Visit http://cowritescript.com for details.

Over $35,000 in cash and prizes
$3,000 in cash and prizes awarded to a writer every other week
Grand Prize: one of the 11 winners will be hired to do a paid rewrite
All winners will share in any script sale

In association with BENDERSPINK (A History of Violence, Just Friends) Cowrite is developing a community-created movie script. Every other week the best ten-page script entry, selected by the Cowrite judges, will be added to the developing story until the screenplay is completed and ready to be sold.

Visit http://cowritescript.com to read the movie premise and enter.

Good luck!