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watch couple shorts (I posted this in another thread)

sorry guys, I posted this in another thread...but I realized that this is probably a better thread to place it in so here goes

greetings all... Im obviously new to these forums... Im looking for a good railing on a couple of shorts my friends and I have done... We are somewhat familliar with filmmaking techniques but lack any good equipment to make a good production.... We are working on it though... I would like some critical minds to pick these bastards apart like a chicken wing. But, keep in mind, These were filmed on Hi 8 with no preperation, improvised story/dialogue.... and worst of all they were edited with windows movie maker .... no firewire just usb capture... damn... are you feeling pity yet... we have heaps of tapes filled with adlibbed garbage, and have just edited a handfull as tests... our plan is to become more serious....write, rewrite, read books ... you know stuff that real filmmakers do... alas we have no good equipment yet but, our laborious low paying construction jobs will enable us to save precious pennies, as we sell our each and every accumulated material posession on ebay....We will perservere... check out the shorts guys, and tell me if they entertain you...

your best bet is to watch the video with the three goofy guys as the image (two holding guns) first its entitled "man in a chair" Thank you so much.... your critique will inevitably do some good
