Could people watch my animation and criticise it :D

I made this video for a competition on YouTube, which I won. I am fairly pleased with the video but as it hasn't got many views, I would like to know how could make my next video better and get more views. Please point out all the flaws that it has and give me some advice on how I can improve it.

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Whoah, I was not expecting
such a dark ending. Don't get me wrong, I love me some "Dirty Harry" movies, but lego animation typically has a light-hearted feel, so
I just wasn't expecting that. Perhaps that was your intent, though?

Nice animation. Perhaps the next project would benefit by the inclusion of dialogue? And music? Neither is completely necessary, but it might liven things up.

Good job! It looks really nice.
You can get music for free from, just make sure you read the terms, some are free to use and some are not...

You can add the youtube player in the post by only adding 4GpcNzny4Uo << the last digits AFTER the = in the url
It took a while for me to figure that one out meself..

As for criticizing your work.... I really liked it so... But, Sure, I'll say it could have used some Boobs & Lesbos....
SERIOUSLY.. I like the camera work, the lighting overall I'll give it a high mark.

Only critique I'll add is you could have focused even more on the camera work to build tension along with some sound FX to add tension and frame your subjects better for the mood you are conveying. I know, I said earlier I liked the camera work, but I feel that some additional efforts will yield more.

I have been reading up in a book titled "Master Shots" where the author breaks down camera movement and style in many great movies. Id suggest following the style of the masters and of course come up w/ your own as well.
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lol thanks, I think that a lot of animated "brickfilms" on youtube lack good camera work, so I think getting good a creating interesting shots would definitely make me stand out more. I think I might get that book :)