Converting 35mm Theater Film to Digital format...

Heres the deal. I have in my possession a reel of film given out as a rare promotional item for the movie The Dark Knight. It has been hand edited, the entire reel, which is only about 3 minutes long, give or take a few seconds. There are a good amount of people asking to have this transferred to digital so everyone online that was involved in the process of obtaining this reel can see it.

What would be the best, and honestly cheapest way to go about getting this accomplished. I looked into it briefly online and from companies ive seen that do this kind of work, they charge about $200 an hour which unless its about 1 hour of work, i could not afford at all lol. I do have a fairly large film school near me (here in chicago) and was thinking about talking to students there. however there were a few students we spoke to a bit ago and they didnt seem to think they could help. any ideas on what I should do here? We would all greatly appreciate any help at all