Contract for two production companies collaborating

Newbie here. I have a relatively new media production company that wishes to make an agreement with another film production company because they have technical resources we need. They want to team with us because of the projects we are working on will benefit them financially. What should the contract specify and does anyone know of template they can refer me too? I am not a legal person, so have no idea on how to proceed.
What should the contract specify

It depends on the terms of your agreement. What each party expects and requires, who is bringing what to the party, what happens in case of this or that, penalty clauses, exit clauses, performance clauses, who has what responsibilities, time limits, jurisdiction and so on. These are just a couple of things off the top of my head on top of what is in most agreements.

and does anyone know of template they can refer me too?
Probably not a great idea.

As alcove said, find an appropriate lawyer. Finding a template may help reduce your costs though.

Good luck!