So back near the end of 2011 I wrote a symphonic piece just for fun under a random project name, to use in a political video. I haven't created anything since, but recently a well known portrait artist on youtube (with my permission) used my piece as background music for one of her portraits.
That video is here:
It's free btw, and any of you can use it as long as I'm credited. But my main reason for posting this was to see what you guys think? I'm really considering writing more; if I have a chance at actually making an impact and going beyond being a hobbyist.
That video is here:
It's free btw, and any of you can use it as long as I'm credited. But my main reason for posting this was to see what you guys think? I'm really considering writing more; if I have a chance at actually making an impact and going beyond being a hobbyist.