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confused with compressing mov and flv etc.


I have exported a movie from final cut as a mov file in size 2.46 GB and data rate 26.56 Mbit/s size 1920x1080

I now need to get it down to about 1 GB.

If I force final cut to set the datarate to 19 Mbit/s and changes the size to 1280 x 720 it will get down to a 1.9 Gb mov file.

I was thinking of if I might make it to a .flv instead and tried with sorenson squeeze at a friends place and exported as a flv instead but with 19 Mbit/s and 1280 x 720. Then it ended up at the same size as above 1.9 Gb.

That makes sense in some way cause its the same amount of data but my question is:

- Are there any point exporting to flv using sorenson or mov through quicktime conversion in FCP or are they just two different formats and havnt got anything to do with size and quality?
- if flv should be a better compressed format, what is a acceptable datarate to use?

any other tip would be very much appreciated!

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h.246 will compress it smaller... any of the web output formats will work as well. I hate FLV. It's not really used for anything except web display of your video directly off a webpage with no conversion (It's implementation on the mac is so bad there's a plug in for safari for the mac to block all flash)... and at that point 1Gb is waaay to big for it.

What is your intention with this file? Is the 1Gb limit for transcoding? Have you considered lowering the framerate as well as the bandwidth and the frame size?
What quicktime codec are you using to encode it as? I would echo the above statements about FLV unless its for web leave flash well alone! What is this playing on and whats it for? If you don't mind me asking!
H264 is OK but with some of the PRO RES codecs you can get the file size down if you tinker with the settings a bit....I do it all the time. We got a 3D 18 minute show shot in 2k down to under 500MB with a bit rate of 35MBPS and it looked mint on the big screen. I know thats an extreme example but it shows it can be done!