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watch CONEXIONS trailer 1 -canon xh a1-

Hello... this is the first trailer of my indie film (to be produced yet) CONEXIONS. It was shot with the canon xh a1 and the canon hv20. Please let me know you thoughts. For the best quality, watch it in HD, Thanks !

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/nfum9hXUJ-w&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/nfum9hXUJ-w&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
Aside from the feeling that this is a cellular phone commercial, I think it rocks. :)

NO really though. I think the style is awesome, it's well done, and looks great. I think as it sits, the teaser isn't showing much, and might be glazing over weaknesses the film might later have. I was mentioning in another thread yesterday, that when I see a trailer that has very few narrative element, and simply focuses on masterbation material for DPs...I get red flags that go up.

If you plan to use this teaser to get more money, I would want to see some dialog...or perhaps some quality VO. It's much easier to make a quality trailer when your DP and FX guy rock...but what about actors? Can they act at all? We can't tell from this teaser...which to me...if I was going to invest (and even as an indie actor, I invest in quality productions), I'm going to want to know if your actors have chops--that's quite important to me, and I imagine other investors/producers.

Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Maybe it's totally OK to create a teaser like you have here--little to no acting showcase...just an action paced thriller that looks groovy...and don't get me wrong, it does look cool. I think some of your smaller detailed FX are sweet and the overall quality of the picture is awesome...I just want to see if your awesome lead with the dreds can actually act...because if he can't, no matter how cool looking your movie is...bad acting will ruin it.

Plus, I'm not even sure what the film is about. Is it about a guy who steals some information, for private monetary gain? Or is it about an agent who steals information from a corporation to get to the source of a major international drug ring? Not sure...

Anyway. Cool stuff.
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Thanks for your comments, guys...
Actually this version looks like that because we are trying to get some cell phone companies to invest in the film. The actors at this stage are temporary, since the real stars are to busy to play a part in the trailer, so we decided to keep the acting to a minimum, to play safe. The story is about a guy who steals cell phones as a way to get dope, and some day steals a phone that happens to have a recorded video of a famous politician been killed, the only evidence that exists about the murder. When the killer find out that such video exists, will do anything to get the phone and kill the witness... we also see the lives and troubles of the guy that lost the phone, a young couple that finds it latter, and some other interesting characters that get involved.
I hope I can get trailer 2 online soon. Thanks guys !
Ahhhh...it all comes together. lol. Well, you certainly nailed the cell-phone ad thing.

The real actors are too busy to shoot the trailer? What do you mean, they are working on other projects? Why didn't you just hold off a little while and shoot it when they were free? It comes across as 'too busy' meaning, the trailer isn't important enough for them to free up time. I hope that's not the case. lol. :) It's not a big deal...the main guy has a good look, and I suppose you don't need 'acting' in a trailer...but it would be nice.

I don't know...what do all the rest of you think about having a trailer that has no dialog at all?

If you don't get an investor, will you go through with the feature anyway?

Thanks for sharing. Cool stuff.