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watch [Comedy] Tea Time with Liam

Hey everyone!

I found this forum and it looks very involved and active - just what I was looking for! My friend and I have began writing a bunch of comedic shorts that we are forming into a few mini-series. We actually filmed our first one, and just recently put it up for the public to see. Of course, we think our stuff is great - but we're not really doing it for our own amusement.. which is why we want your opinions! Please let us know what you think. Give us your honest critiques - we want to know what you did and didn't like and perhaps how we could improve.

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What's going on with the audio?

Storywise, it's rather repetitive, belaboring an almost single "misunderstanding."
However, I'm also not a big fan of 'Between Two Ferns' which has a somewhat similar format.

What's going on with the audio?

Storywise, it's rather repetitive, belaboring an almost single "misunderstanding."
However, I'm also not a big fan of 'Between Two Ferns' which has a somewhat similar format.

Thank you for the feedback! Between Two Ferns was the inspiration for my partner's ideas, so yes it is understandably similar in nature.

As far as the audio goes, we started off with just a $30 lavalier directly into Adobe Audition. The lavalier was shitty, but then again so were my sound editing skills. All I did really was remove the background snap crackle and pops. More than that is beyond me. It may not sound great, but it sounds a lot better than the original. Anything in particular that you're not pleased with in the sound department?
It seems that most of your shots were mid shots, maybe have someone do boom / unidirectional microphones (improvised boom) for better sound quality *unless that's what you were doing*.

With our changing views on society, gay jokes are pretty overrated, a lot of people may find it offensive (but hey, you can't keep everyone happy).

Other than that, keep at it man. The set was good.
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