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Color Correction Help...

Hi There,

i have a question for you all....

ok so im novice to moderate at editing, i know how to do basic things and some advanced stuff, and i am learning all the time.... (i am not an editor btw, just a one man band at the moment doing everythign!) haha

I use a iMac 24inch Dual with Final Cut Express 4.....

Now i can happliy color correct my footage, i get it looking lovely and how i want it to, however when i export the movie to quick time (.MOV) all the color correction i have done seems to have dissapeared or the video looks closer to the original Raw footage...

is it something i am doing wrong when exporting my final video?

any help would be great.
right i made sure the timeline was selected, i put in and out points on the video, but still once converted to .mov, the color was still not the same... the correction i done was to make the video more vibrant and joyful etc

i have read on my travels on the internet, it can sometimes just be a case of the finder in Final CUt has a different colour resolution to other outputs on the computer...although that sounds strange.
Without any other information, I suspect you're pushing the colors beyond broadcast safe levels and when exporting it's crushing them all back down to within safe levels. But that's just a shot in the dark.
hmmm it sounds as though that could be an explanation.... in the color corrector tab on final cut, there is a broadcast safe filter... do you think its worth using and experimenting with that along side the color correcting i have done?