archived-videos Coastal calling

Really cool, those drone shots were awesome.

If you're looking for constructive criticism: If you use 60fps, it's gonna look "fake". We're used to seeing 24fps in films and maybe 30fps but 60fps is too smooth and looks off, just my opinion but of course it could be your style. I would look into getting into color grading too, shooting in flat and then experimenting a little with color or at least with highlights and shadows and playing with that until you get an effect that you kinda like. Hope it helps.
Agreed with the frames and the new video we shot is using the 24 fps instead of the 60, which helps with the cinematic look. It means so much to us and our team for the input that is helping us learn in this grand journey of film making. Thank you!
Nice cinematography, but this feels more like a calling card film than one with a strutted beginning, middle and end. I've no problem with the 60FPS as I do motovlogging and that's pretty common.

- Wolf