
Saw it last night. It was intense, suspenceful, and entertaining. It has it flaws, but what movie doesnt? ^^. Dont want to say too much. I dont regret dishing $11 to see it. If you have any questions, I will answer them below with a spoiler tag.
I watched it opening night... I'll say that it's a pretty good action film, but I absolutely hated every single character in the entire movie. I felt as if the director didn't even try to get the audience emotionally attached to a single character. I didn't care if they lived or died, they were all beyond loving retarded.

For example:
This attachment Rob had to that girl, after only having not much more than a one night stand with her was asinine. He put his life and the life of everyone else in jeopardy because he had to go save some girl he slept and maybe had feeling for. And they all died because of it, the death of every single person in the group was essentially Rob's fault. It didn't make me sympathize with him, like he had found love... It made me think of him as ignorant and reckless.

Why were the friends hellbent on coming with him? A 50 foot monster is attacking the city -- it's time to get the hell out of there.

Why did the people in the streets stop to take a long, long look (and take pictures) of the Statue of Liberty's head? That thing just came flying out the sky, now is not a good time to be standing around.

When they all went into the building that was knocked over and leaning to the side, the first thing Rob does is try the elevator. I would think any person with even an ounce of common sense would realize if a building is knocked over and leaning to the side, the elevator isn't going to work.

Overall, I actually think the biggest problem for the movie was that the director was set on making it from the POV of a regular guy with a handheld camera. Honestly, I don't think it worked well and attributed to very lazy writing.
JRy take a look at this thread of alot of its flaws, (Warning spoilers there)

the statue of liberty thing was not so far fetched if you think about it. In todays society people and there camera phones do just about anything if they see something out of the ordinary. I think if the statue of liberty was on the ground, I would definently take a picture of it, so I can show people later on. Abrams stated that in an interview too.
Loud Orange Cat. Ya, your basically right. Except you cant really compare the terrible story of blair witch and this film. the only real comparison is the shaking of the camera. This movie still put in $25million of effects ect. It was way, way better than blair witch.
I saw the previews. I thought to myself that if this film is done entirely with POV shaky cam, I'll just wait and rent it when it hits Hollywood Video.
I saw it Friday and posted my thoughts on it here. I really did like the movie, there were just a few things I didn't like that irritated me so much I spent the majority of time ranting on those.

To clear up a couple of things.

This attachment Rob had to that girl, after only having not much more than a one night stand with her was asinine. He put his life and the life of everyone else in jeopardy because he had to go save some girl he slept and maybe had feeling for. And they all died because of it, the death of every single person in the group was essentially Rob's fault. It didn't make me sympathize with him, like he had found love... It made me think of him as ignorant and reckless.

It was clearly stated early on that Beth was a life long friend that he recently slept with. He tells his brother that he loves her immediately before we first hear the monster. So he isn't going back to just find some girl he slept with -- he's going to find his best friend and love of his life (who he insulted right before she left the party).

Why were the friends hellbent on coming with him? A 50 foot monster is attacking the city -- it's time to get the hell out of there.

Hud follows because Rob is his best friend and Beth is his friend as well, plus he wants to look good in front of Marlena. Lily follows him because he's the closest thing to Jason she has left. There's really no good explanation why Marlena follows him, as she barely even knows him or Beth -- maybe she just needs to be close to people that she feels she can trust.

When they all went into the building that was knocked over and leaning to the side, the first thing Rob does is try the elevator. I would think any person with even an ounce of common sense would realize if a building is knocked over and leaning to the side, the elevator isn't going to work.

They didn't enter the leaning building, they entered the the other building then crossed over to the leaning building by the roof. Unless I missed it, I don't think Rob tried the elevator once they got in the leaning building.
I remember the conversation they had, but to me -- it didn't seem believable. I felt like Rob began to think he loved her after their one night stand, something that's very easy to happen when two friends get together. I'm not disagreeing with you by any means, it just didn't come off as believable to me... It was rushed and lazy writing. Would have made a lot more sense if she was his ex girlfriend/fiance or something.

I still say all the people were idiots for following after Rob. My friends and I got into a pretty lengthy debate and decided we all love each other, but if a 50 foot monster is attacking, we're getting the hell out and if any one of us is crazy enough to go back to look for someone, they're on their own.
The only exception would be a parent going back for a child, if I had kids, I'd definitely risk my own life to make sure they were safe -- but I'd go back for no one else. We all pretty much agreed with that.

I still say that having Hud record with his camera the entire time actually hindered the creativity of the film and forced it into a generic, predictable plot. The movie could have been written much better and actually had an ending that wasn't complete shit

You're right about the building... Now that you mention it, I do remember them getting into the other building and crossing over to the one that was leaning. I had that conversation with the 3 friends that went with me and we all thought they entered the leaning building.
But it makes more sense that they went to the other building and crossed over, I guess we all just missed that part.
I remember the conversation they had, but to me -- it didn't seem believable. I felt like Rob began to think he loved her after their one night stand, something that's very easy to happen when two friends get together. I'm not disagreeing with you by any means, it just didn't come off as believable to me... It was rushed and lazy writing. Would have made a lot more sense if she was his ex girlfriend/fiance or something.

I thought the parts of the stuff that didn't get taped over from Rob and Beth's date to Coney Island were pretty genius. To me it felt like a real relationship at the beginning. I think he really loved her, and love will make you do some crazy things. But we can just agree to disagree on that.

I still say all the people were idiots for following after Rob. My friends and I got into a pretty lengthy debate and decided we all love each other, but if a 50 foot monster is attacking, we're getting the hell out and if any one of us is crazy enough to go back to look for someone, they're on their own.
The only exception would be a parent going back for a child, if I had kids, I'd definitely risk my own life to make sure they were safe -- but I'd go back for no one else. We all pretty much agreed with that.

I'd go back for my wife. In fact I'd say I would have gone back for her from the moment I knew I loved her. Rob recently had that moment with Beth, so I felt his love DROVE him to find her.

But as far as going back for a friend's significant other...I don't think I'm that much of a hero.

I still say that having Hud record with his camera the entire time actually hindered the creativity of the film and forced it into a generic, predictable plot. The movie could have been written much better and actually had an ending that wasn't complete shit
I'm with you there. Would rather've seen the same story with traditional photography. The P.O.V. device is a cheap gimmick if you use it throughout the entire film, IMO.

But I liked the ending. I'm tired of seeing everyone live. If a giant monster attacks and you run to it and not away from it -- chances are that you're going to die.
I'm with you there. Would rather've seen the same story with traditional photography. The P.O.V. device is a cheap gimmick if you use it throughout the entire film, IMO.

But I liked the ending. I'm tired of seeing everyone live. If a giant monster attacks and you run to it and not away from it -- chances are that you're going to die.

Rob and Beth may have actually lived... after the credits you hear Rob say something along the lines of "we need help, it's still alive" -- definitely leaves the door open for Cloverfield 2. I just hope they don't go POV on the next one.
JRy, talks of a cloverfield 2 would either take place in another group of peoples' POV or military's POV. Abrams initial idea of this film was in the POV of people, and I doubt he would change that if there would be a cloverfield 2.

the funniest flaw I found of the film was
the video camera. I really want one of those! Battery life of 24 hours! lights! nightvision! and durable enough to fall out of helicopters, buildings, and just incase, if a monster decides to chew it up and spit it out 20 storys high! Not to mention perfect sound quality ;)
Rob and Beth may have actually lived... after the credits you hear Rob say something along the lines of "we need help, it's still alive" -- definitely leaves the door open for Cloverfield 2. I just hope they don't go POV on the next one.

I thought that was someone else's voice, like someone in the military.

the funniest flaw I found of the film was
the video camera. I really want one of those! Battery life of 24 hours! lights! nightvision! and durable enough to fall out of helicopters, buildings, and just incase, if a monster decides to chew it up and spit it out 20 storys high! Not to mention perfect sound quality ;)

Very true.
This thread is a very hollow read as I'm trying to avoid spoilers... kind of interesting in a want to open the curtain kind of way... Too much temptation.
I thought that was someone else's voice, like someone in the military.
It may very well have been.
I had a lot to drink before going out, so my interpretation of damn near everything about the movie may be way off. :)

I'll probably watch it again when it comes out on DVD.
As the days pass by, I like Cloverfield a lot less. And I've been trying to figure out why. Then today it hit me:

It's the story of a monster sighting told through the P.O.V. a hilarious guy with a camera.

Sound familiar?

Those bastards stole my idea!