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Cleveland Local Filmmakers Night at CWRU - Sat 28

Short films about the war in Iraq, the children of superheroes, and the homeless are part of Case Western Reserve University Film Society's Local Filmmaker's Night on Saturday, Jan. 28.

Tickets are $3 for the evening, $2 for children. Films will be shown in Strosacker Audito rium, located be tween Adelbert Road and Euclid Avenue on the Case campus. Go to http:// films.cwru.edu/ lo cation.html for parking informa tion, or call 216-368-2463.

Here is the schedule:

7 p.m.: "A Joker's Card" by writer-director Johnny Wu is a comic-book parody about the sons of Joker and Mr. Freeze trying to kidnap the son of Nightwing and the daughter of Wonder Woman.

7:30 p.m.: "Wolves and Doves," written and directed by Carl Wilhoyte, examines a day in the life of a homeless man.

7:45 p.m.: Director Shahin Afnan turned her camera on her son, Neil, who was deployed to Iraq in "Born Lucky."

8:45 p.m.: Wu's short film "The Chase" follows a young woman as she tries to elude her pursuer in an abandoned building.

9 p.m.: "We Have Your Daughter," written and directed by William Johns, is about a kidnapped girl who uses her wits to get close to one of her captors. Johns will also show a trailer for his next film, "Madness."

9:45 p.m.: The film noir "Blood Kiss: Soul of a Woman," written and directed by Alex Michaels, looks at a woman who is offered the chance to have a life that feeds off other people's souls.