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watch Cinematography reel 2010

I think your stuff is absolutely beautiful. I have not a single complaint. What you've placed on your reel is all really tight, slick, and perdy. Your camera work is great, your composition is interesting and accomplished, and your lighting is all very dynamic, mood-catching and appropriate.

And no, I'm not sticking my nose up your ass.

Nice work.

What is your camera of choice? And what camera do you shoot with most often?

Thank you.
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glad you guys liked it

a lot of what I shoot is low budget,so my lighting package is quite minimal
I use tungsten lighting 90% of the time, a lot of arri 1ks and 650 fresnels
I use a chimera pancake lantern a lot, or other chimera soft boxes.
For the stop animation shots of the 2 people in bed,I used a Kino flo diva light as my main source of light


Thanks for the compliments:)
I dont really have a camera of choice?
a lot of what I do is determined by the subject matter or even more so the budget :(
I love shooting on 16mm film, but it has to be for the right subject matter
I shot on the Red one camera a couple of times, the only footage I have of that is the piano stuff
even though the footage is down rezzed to 720p it still looks great,and the quality of lenses I had with the red where amazing, they where ziess superspeeds.
Alot of my reel consist of a pansonic HPX-170 with a 35mm lens adaptor
But latly Ive been working lots with the new DSLR cameras that shoot 1080p video
I think those cameras are amazing,especially for the low light
Im looking to buy canons new 550d t2i when it comes out

I never shot on 35mm film yet, if I could choose one formatt to shoot it would be anamorphic 35mm:D
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