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Chroma-key software for Mac ($59.99) [Vector Keyer]

I've created a new build (Oct 13, 2006) of VKey2 to address an issue in FCP that was resulting in a crash when using VKey2 in some, recent versions of FCP on some systems. The problem appeared to be a stack overflow. I don't want to be too hasty in closing this one, but if you are experiencing crashes with the demo, please download a new copy of the demo from the web-site. If you are a customer, please send email to support@oakstreetsoftware.com and I will promptly send you an update.

If you're not experiencing this problem, you have nothing to gain by installing this fix. There will probably be a more robust fix coming in the near future. I have to wait to see if this does, indeed, fix the problem, and then I'll need to thoroughly test the final update.
I released version 2.23 of VKey2 a couple of days ago. I was finally able to find the bug that was causing the crash and verify that it was, indeed fixed. The demo has been updated, and all current customers should have received an update. If you've purchased VKey2 and you have not received an update from me, please let me know, so I can get it out to you. This is an important bug fix.