Christopher Lee Espinoza talks about his move to New Media

Christopher Lee Espinoza, more formerly know as “23” has taken a step from ushering other peoples vision into creation, and will now begin making his visions a realization.
23 year old Christopher Lee is now embarking on his own journey to put together projects that he feels are going to lead into the “New World of Media”.
“I have always been an advocate for new media, and always interested in new platforms for media distribution. Like many of us have envisioned the internet is now the new final frontier. You can find any show or movie you want at the click of a button, why should a Web Series be any different?”
A web series is similar to a regular television show except it is released on the internet and the run time is generally between three minutes to six minutes long.
“Right now there are many web series' on the internet and many are getting up to half a million hits per episode within the first week of release. They have a true following, and those who are willing to take the step and venture into this medium with good content, they will control the market.”
Christopher Lee talks about developing project “TATS!” which apparently was supposed to have been shot as a web series, and he still plans to release the show on the internet, as well as a network.
He is more commonly known for not wanting to be the face of any project nor does he care to have a rolling credit. Having been infamous for this, he does remark about why he is now making the transition.
“ At one point in time an extra zero at the end of a paycheck sounded better than my name at the end of the screen, but it just isn’t the case anymore. I will always have my reputation to those whom I work with and those who know me. It’s just time for me to get credit for my work. Also, I was under heavy contracts that didn’t allow me to take credit for the work, non-disclosures for the work I was doing and the roles in which I played. At the time I didn’t care, but now I can see how it makes all the difference.”
As questions of other projects arise he gives very little about any other productions that he is currently working on, but he does reveal the names of three projects, “ Tour Dancer, Jobless, and Chameleon”.
“ Out of the many projects that I have on my slate, these three are meant for the internet, Jobless is my favorite out of the bunch and trust me when I say, many people of all ages will relate to this and have a good laugh.”
Amongst talking about his work he also mentions the fact that part of the reason he is interested in producing web related content is in fact the disputes regarding the unions.
“ In the past year and a half the film industry has endured tremendous losses. Strikes have occurred multiple times, and now SAG might go on strike. Right now it seems inevitable, and it will in fact put Los Angeles at a complete halt. Hundreds of thousands of industry related jobs will be put at stake and we will see industry related vendors and companies close down again, much like they did during the WGA strike. The net is uncontrolled and doesn’t possess the restrictions film and television have. Also, I want to start bringing upcoming actors and filmmakers to this medium, show that untapped talent, that raw talent.”
It appears that thee Christopher Lee Espinoza is now thinking that the internet is the new frontier for the future of media and wants to be at the front of the line when it take off. He also stated that peers he has made through formal education will be assisting on these projects, and will be held to the standards of any given crew he himself is acquainted with.