archived-videos Check out my self-promo short

Welcome. I enjoyed that a lot, you had some really nice shots. dialogue was pretty good, for a short also. Nice work.:)

My regret is that it's a tad too dark and blue. I've got a version that's more desatched, but I'm not a fan of changing the look in post too much... is it what it is... ;-)

I agree the lighting and such was right on the mark in my opinion.. I enjoyed it.. the old guy kind of reminded me of George Carlin.. especially at the end.
Very nice little short. I didn't see anything wrong with the lighting at all. It added to the mood. It was very well shot too. :) Nice promo to show off.

I just have to ask, is your username mean Super8junkie? :P Just wondering.
Perrrrrrdy cool

Awwww, the ol' distrustful capital/merchandise exchange. Done very well and in a funny way.

I like it, there was a problem with framing on the shot when he sat down, but the rest I thought was very nice.

I dug the old man's nasty nails.
I really liked the short... The darkness was cool and added a nice mood... I like the sound of the man sucking the life out of the ciggarette.

My ONLY problem with it.. is the jumpyness... You added some "film" FX and the jumpyness just seems not real.. like it's forced..
I'm a fan of the dark! The lighting, shadows, and blue tint all looked great to me! Camera angles, editing, acting...I could go on. Great work!
Good stuff. Have to agree with those above that heralded the darkness of the shots. I wouldn't expect some gun toting heavy to be sitting in a room full of flourescents. Nice lighting.

The sound was good and the dialogue was top notch for a short. In the hands of someone less skillful I would have figured out the pay off far to early.

Very well done!! I dug everything... the lighting, the framing, the sound. The whole thing is great. I nice "calling card of your talent.

If you don't mind my asking, what did you shoot it on?

~ Stephen