Cheapest EVF you can buy (for HDMI)


I mainly do fictional films and projects (music videos, short films, features, etc) and I have a SmallHD AC7 field monitor for all that work.

However occasionally I attend events and I'm looking to be more "run & gun" so I'm looking for an EVF during those projects - mainly for framing, it can even be B&W for all I care.

It needs to be able to take an HDMI in (if it does SDI I can look into a converter, but then 'cheap' is less relative).

I want to avoid 'loops' on monitor options, I will be shoulder mounting the camera beside my head so the monitor positioning and my face won't match.

Thanks in Advance for your Advice.
Bill is correct, I already have an excellent 7" field monitor. Specifically looking for a basic EVF for run&gun framing (will likely be relying on camera's autofocus for focus).
Thanks Bill, the first two are doable, I'm not a big EVF guy (glasses) and tend to be set oriented so $1500 for one isn't worth it for my expected usage.

imho, the cheapest EVF you should buy is the DP4.

I also (should) wear glasses, but prefer using a viewfinder (without them) to a monitor any day of the week. The cheaper ones like the DP4 are not as robust in terms of focusing the diopter to your eye, but it does work. At this point though I've done enough ENG/Event type shooting that I can reliably operate with both eyes open for short periods of time, so again YMMV. Lots of people are coming up never using viewfinders and are more comfortable shooting without them. It's all about what gets the results.

Also, imho, the way you mount the EVF is just as important as the EVF itself. Don't use one of those "magic arm" mounts or similar:

1 - almost impossible to have the EVF on a parallel plane with the lens and keep it there. This sounds like it shouldn't matter, but it does result in shots that are off level.

2 - they will inevitably move around as you are using them, moving the camera, putting the EVF up to your eye, putting down the camera, and so on. Great in theory, but they are just not robust enough (even the name brand ones) under extended use in this instance.

3 - Single point of contact is bad.

The unfortunate part is that quality mounts for EVFs tend to be spendy, but the difference is worth it. In the event you change your mind and go with something > $1K then get either the Cineroid or Alphatron (retina versions) over the Zacuto. The Zacuto doesn't compete and is just selling something that should be the price of a DP4 in a higher price bracket on the basis of their name alone.

Think of it this way - the DP4 retains decent resale value and they are in demand. They are usually sold within a few days when they show up on dvxuser - so if you decided that an EVF wasn't for you selling it would result in less of a loss than cheap-o one that no one is willing to pay for.
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