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watch Chapel Hill - Short Comedy Sketch

I think the video went a little too long with him bringing different items out. Maybe eliminate some of the items to make the video shorter. I liked the ending.
Cute idea, your actor wasn't bad.
Ending jump cut sequence.
Lightsaber. :cool: Nicely done.

The dialog was very quiet compared to the opening logo and especially with the lightsaber sound.
I agree with rocker that it ran a little slow, it should (IMO) start out a bit slow but speed it up quickly so that the editing reflects the desperation the salesman is feeling. You got it with the jump cuts at the end. I'd eliminate a lot of the 'No, I guess you don't like X' bits and just jump cut from item to item being presented. And also lose a couple of them all together to make it shorter. Some more reactions shots in there could help, too. I felt that it dragged when we got the long uninterrupted takes with the salesman.

Hope that's helpful, but you can take it or leave it :) And keep at it!
Thanks for the constructive feedback! In regards to the audio, I listened to it again and the levels sound quite equalized to me. This is all by ear though, I haven't done a decibel-to-decibel comparison.

In relation to the editing, what jump cuts were you talking about at the end? I don't remember having any jump cuts, perhaps I've lost my mind :P