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Finally, after about 4 story changes, unfortunate production issues, and almost running out of time...

(I may re-encode this... the compression made it kind of chunky looking. Oh, and it's kind of dark... :( )

My entry for the Yellowcard Music Video Contest is finished and mailed (yesterday).

I would appreciate your vote on ifilm, when the time for voting comes.. I'll update the link at that time, but for a sneak peak see the current link.

In case you didn't hear about it, the contest was to create a music video for the live version of the song "Breathing" by Yellowcard. The rules said you cannot use any pre-existing footage, photos, etc. Just their live recording and all original footage.

The first thought I had was, well.. how do you make a video without access to the band, but since that is the case for all entrants, the playfield is level. My take on the song was that this guy cannot sleep because the breathing of the girl he's laying next to is keeping him awake, which causes him to hurt her (or in my video KILL HER) so he can finally get some sleep, or so he hopes.

initially I had myself, two actors, and two crew ready to go, when suddenly one of the actors AND one of the crew dropped out last minute (day before the first round of shooting). Ok, minor setback, only needed one actor that day, and the second crew person was just a luxury anyway (I could have done the camera stuff on my own).

So, I do the initial day of shooting, which if you watched my last posted video you know how that went... afterwards I try for a week and a half to fill the other actor's position.. 2 maybe's, quite a few nos, and 2 yesses from flaky people later I end up calling in a favor from a friend, who although did not fit what I was ideally looking for, did a decent job as a last minute walk-on.

The original plan was to have a really nifty looking CG flythrough of a city, before switching to live action ... this was cut due to my lack of 3D ability, and mostly lack of time .. if I had more time I would have struggled through it, but as it was the frames were taking 15minutes to render each, with only one of about 8 buildings total in the scene... even if the render time hadn't increased that would have been a SIX DAY RENDER ... a little obnoxious for 20 seconds of video if you ask me. The new intro was a last minute (2 am Tuesday morning) thing since I had to fill 15 seconds and didn't have access to the actors anymore.

I'm not entirely happy with how some of the green screen work turned out (the frontal and side views in the car after he throws her from the bridge) ... but that was due to running short on time to do proper rotoscoping (as not everything that needed it was covered with green screen). Incidentally I've decided I absolutely hate rotoscoping and will do whatever I have to not to have to do THAT much of it in the future. painting out wires would be one thing.. but painting out almost the entire interior of a car sucks big time. Anyway, those two shots are a little rougher than I'd have liked, but they're quick and maybe most people won't notice too much. :) Anyway they did say it didn't have to be the most "perfect, polished" thing. I think the story I came up with makes up for that, and the at times less than desireable camera work. (of every shot in there I was holding the camera, or otherwise manipulating it for 4 shots. Only one of the running shots was me, which if you watched that previous post you will know which, it's the most steady in my opinion, go figure I fell and IT is the most steady of the lot.)

Anyhoo, enjoy:

and let me know what you think!
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Very clever :) Its been done but I didn't see it coming!

I had to laugh when I saw the great shot of him running and you tracking with him, picturing what happened right after you dissolved...

Nice editing, but a couple of the shots look like they were repeated... but in the end that actually can work because thats the way dreams are, sometimes repeating, sometimes like you're running forever. Nice job I hope you win!
Thanks for the kind words WideShot.. I'm glad you liked it. There are actually quite a few repeated shots, but that was due to a lack of usable material... as shaky as most of those running shots are the few others I had were MUCH worse..
Thanks John (and wife)... I appreciate it.. hopefully the ifilm people don't disqualify it for being "too violent" if it's accepted I think it may actually do decently.. based on what everyone has seen it has said. :)
I didn't feel it was too violent. Its not like he took a hammer to her or anything. Besides, the ending did the rest justice :)
Good job Will. I haven't watched too many of the other entries (okay, only yours and DirectorX's), but if it's anything like the last Ifilm contest, you should do well.

I would suggest that next time you do a video to such a frenetically paced song you use more cut aways (close ups of hands clinching pillow, close up fo faces) and edit frenetically to match the songs style (quicker cuts during the running and during the pillow scene).

Also, I am of the opinion that less CG work is better. A fly through of the city done with over the counter CGI software would not have been a better opening than the clock.
In fact, I wished the "appearance" of the woman was not greenscreened (maybe thorw some make up on her and shoot her walkiing herky jerky like, then speed it up in post, creating a creepy effect).

But like I said, you did a good job. After having competed in Rounds 1 and 2 of the ITOOFC I know how hard it is to work under a deadline.

Well I only had one day to shoot "Sometimes They Come Loose," so :tongue: !!!

Seriously, as "weekend" and "spare time" filmmakers, we both can attest that the vision in our heads doesn't always translate completely to screen. The trick is to try to get as close as possible, and that's a very tricksy trick indeed.
