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Catalyst needs your help!

Hello all,

I am not really sure if this is the right place, (since this is my first post :P) But i figured i would try anyway.

We are looking for projectmanagers for Catalyst. Catalyst will be a post-apocalyptic serie, in wich we will follow 3 USMC fireteams while they try to survive, figure out what is happening, and maintain social order.

What we need:

Director of photography

And maybe a conept artist

Preferably in chicago area, allthough the first stage will be mostly skype conference calls.
As of now, this is a non-budget production, wich in the near future, we will try to crowdfund.
The script of the first episode is already finished, and counts 80 pages. In order to start crowdfunding, we need more expertise. I hope someone here might be able to help us.

Please send an email to info@249th.com

Thank you in advance

EDIT: Seems i posted this in the wrong section anyway, please disregard.
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