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watch "Cars, Clones, and Insanity." - Short Film

Hey guys, FIAfilms just released our first film short for the summer and want to what people think towards it. The film is itself is an HD cover and has an akward twist to it that you don’t see in most films these days. The cloning effect takes place quite a bit however editing, and effects along with the main plot blend quite well together. Enjoy!


I have a few points on the sound if you wish to hear them but I think you did an awesome job.

Funny concept and executed very nicely!

p.s. I always ask this: What camera and what lenses did you use? And what microphones did you use?
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Thank you for your appreciation mate! And yes I can definitely use some audio tips for future reference as well - Lemme know what ya got, any tips help! :D

Other than that, the equipment we used was only semi-decent that being only a Samsung HD HMX200 camcorder. It's certainly not the best, however it did get the job done and it is only our first film. We all are still in college finishing up our degrees (mine in computer science) therefore we are typically on a budget. However I have been filming for a few years now since my mid years of high school but this film is the first ever I have completely directed and edited on my own.
That's awesome!

Well, the use of the camcorder answers my questions and my tips would be geared toward getting undistorted, present sound but I know what a limitation only having that camcorder can be.

Also, ambiences and foley I think could have been a lot more detailed etc. and I have some great ideas on those but I think you did a wonderful job for your first film directed/edited.

Hope to see some more of your stuff on here in the future!
Hey, nice work.

I think the story is about twice as long as it needs to be. I would cut this much tighter.

Did you rotoscope?! If so, that's some damn fine rotoscoping.
Cracker Funk, Yes! I definitely agree with you and I'm certainly learning already from posting this video about future short films. For future short films that I do post I'm certainly going to aim to make them shorter and sweeter (basically get to the point faster).

And yes! I rotoscoped every clone within the film using AAE CS5. However the rotoscoping took litterally forever, approximately two week to be exact whenever I had free time to do it. But again thank you =)