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The hit with the car looks pretty good, but… When he jumps over the car… Well, he doesn’t. His legs clip, by quite a way! Obviously, the guy couldn’t jump that high, so it looks as if the car just drives behind him. Cool though, one of those fun things to mess about with!
You know what? The first bit looks a little fake but I wouldn't worry too much about that because the car impact looks really cool. Not sure your friend was quite a good enough actor to pull off the genuine pain of getting hit that hard (some fake blood might have helped) but the whole video looked pretty cool to me!
Thanks for the feedback guys. But I want to clarify that his legs dont clip the car. If you pause it you will see that he is straddling the car, his legs are either side of the roof.

Was done like that on purpose
I don't get the first one. But, I don't think I'm looking at it like everyone else. The first one looks like the car is driving behind him, so there was really no need for after effects. It just looked like he jumped when the car was passing behind. The actual hit looked pretty good.