Canon XL1s question (wtb)

I may not be in the correct site or thread but I have posted this question in 2 other sites. I am hopeful of getting a different view or angle from this site.

I am a simple amature, I have an old crappy (not 3ccd) Mini DV. Which I use to so short not real great shots of some friends on snow boards, in the winter or on bikes and boards in the summer. I also take shots of the family and make small movies out of them. I try to shoot whatever I can.

I a very interested in an upgrade and am looking at the Canon XL1s option. They can be found in good shape used these days around (1000-1500 cdn) and I thought it would be a great upgrade for now.

Please add your comments.

Oh I run a Macintosh so if you suggest any other options I would appreciate it it had firewire.


Sorry in advance if I have posted in the wrong site or place.
And sorry if this has been covered like a million times and this is a million +1:lol:
Unless you demand HD which it sounds like you don't, an XL1 is a great choice.
I exclusively use the 1 ccd version of the XL1 which is the original model Canon Optura and have bought 4 of them for less than $600 total.
The concession I made was to buy a lot of light sources to make up for the missing 2 ccd's

I love my Opturas, I even dropped one and it still works, so I would imagine the XL's are just as tough

So far I haven't been disappointed

In fact I'm waiting for the HD revolution to catch on completely so I can buy an XL1 for interior shots for a lot less than $1000.

From a professional standpoint, the features offered on a high end camera like the XL or GL series can't be beat, and as more people move over to HD cams, you can get some terrific deals on an SD machine.
(mind you, I'm only referring to Canon optics, that's not to knock the other offerings from Sony or Panasonic or some of the others, but you specified the XL)

At any rate, the XL would be a nice upgrade from whatever you are using, but as many people on this board will tell you, it doesn't matter what you shoot with, as long as what you shoot is worthy to you!

I have an XL1s. What I love about it as a learning tool is the interchangeable lens. I picked up a manual 16x lens that originally cost over $1600.00 for ~$500. Now it has all the feel and adjustment capabilities of some of the most expensive cameras out there (just without the resolution). I picked up an MA-200 for the XLR inputs. I'm trying to hunt down a cost effective anamorphic lens adapter but so far haven't found one that will fit this camera and doesn't cost a furtune. My only complaint so far is that even with the MA200 the manual lens is heavy and makes the camera very nose heavy. I am going to mount a double battery pack to the MA-200 to help balance it out more (it extends for this purpose). As it is, my arm gets fatigued too fast when shooting shoulder mounted.

Even though my camera isn't state-of-the-art, it sure looks nice on the set when fully rigged. And the education I'm getting from it is invaluable.
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I run an XL1s and love it. Mine needs a bit of an overhaul as it's got a lot of hours on it, but that's just a matter of having canon adjust my back focus and changing out the capstan roller (or whatever magic they do when you send it in).

If you'd like to see (extremely compressed) footage from this camera, take a look at my stuff on youtube (username knightscape). All that was shot on my XL1s except for the Heinz commercial which was shot on an XHA1.