Canon EOS 500d?????

Im in college were i have access to panasonic DVX 100s for filming so dont really need to fork out that much for camcorder right now, but not sure if this is a safe bet. can only spend around this much on a camera at the moment, anyone know how long they can record for at a time? and if its worth considering? test footage looks good enough

any replies would be helpful
Do you mean the 5D mkII?

There are many active threads on that camera currently. The info is out there. If you want a camera of your own at that level I would go 7D over 5D-II and save some cash.
I have one!! they're VERY good for the price i think, i've been using a Sony Sr5e and its not done certain things i wanted to. Partly why i bought a 500d, although i did comprimise, i wanted to be able to control the aperature manually, which you can't do. Although it does let you choose the exposure compensation, you can set it to under/over expose the images by upto 2 stops.

the manual gives a grid as follows

recording quality - 16GB card - file size
1920X1080 ------- 49 mins ---- 330MB/min
1280X720 -------- 1hr 13min -- 222MB/min
640X480 ---------- 1hr 39min --- 165MB/min

19201080 is recorded at 20FPS (be aware of this)
the other two are 30fps.

you need a class 6 sd card mine is 16gb from amazon for £22 inc,p&P

there is one more warning in the book about prolonged use, aparently an indicator shows if the camera is too hot and you have to turn off the camera to let it cool. I've not had this problem yet but i also haven't used the film mode properly yet. Shouldn't be a problem unless you're shooting some sort of time lapse though?

Hope this helps
ahh ok thanks for the reply, very helpful, i didnt know you could get cards so big or that you could film for so long, i would actually be doing timelapses with it but not loads so it shouldnt be too much of a problem, seems like a great camera for the price, is the footage still good when set at a lower quality??
I prefer it being on the lower 720p it is still very capable and clear, i think the 20fps puts me off using 1080p. On thing i didn't mention was battery life, i'm not sure about battery life/recording time but i doubt you'd get an hour of recording out of it. i'd say your recording time would be capped to about 40-80 minutes of recording time with the standard battery. i think you can buy a battery pack though, i had one on my old 300f and i never had to change the batteries within a year.. but obviously more battery life is used powering a rolling shutter and lcd screen.

ithink SDHC (high capacity) goes upto 32GB atm? but there are plans for a different format SDXC or something which is 32GB +

You can see some very god examples of the 720p recording on this guy's vimeo

Have you looked at the nikon d5000? if you haven't i suggest you have a look at that before buying this camera, It is slightly cheaper and you do get a better range of control for video. There are less examples to show from the internet however, due to the popularity of the Canon 500D & other nikons.. I didn't know what to go for, i wanted some of the features the nikon offered, but opted for the Canon because of the better (IMO) sensor (and larger MP 15, compared to 12 in the nikon) However and interesting test i found in a magazine showed the quality of the two sensors and they found nikon won on most the tests.. i'll try finding a link for this for you. I also prefer the colours produced by the nikon, but i figured that the canon would last longer (durability & through technology advances)

If theres anything else you'd like to know about it just ask :)
Chromatic Aberration that was the one thing that you notice with the Canon, they talk about it on the comparison of the two cameras.

here is the site..

i don't think this is a very fair test however, i've not taken such an awful photo with my 500dyet, it's way too over exposed. I think the nikon is easier to use because its so good on auto.
However you get better control in the manual optionsonthe canon, as a comprimise the full auto isn't as good. However Portrait mode is by far the best i have experienced on any Dslr.

They mainly focus on photography in that review, but i guess you have address these things... it is primarily a camera, not a video camera.
yeah a lecturer told me there would be some problems with ingesting the footage at 1080, and it may come out jerky but filming on 720 should be fine and still look really good, al check out the nikon aswell, that guys footage with the canon is really nice like, cheers again