cinematography Canon 5d Mark II the future?

I've decided to take a step away from still photography and get invested in film making. I kinda feel like with the release of the 5d m2 is the best time. You get a camera with a image sensor at least 7 times larger then are in almost all digital video cameras. The lens selection is much larger and the prices are far lower due to the volumes sold. With a simple 135mm F2 or a 24-70 F2.8 the depth of field is far narrower then viewers are familiar in a low budget film.

Over the next decade or so I wouldn't be surprised if the 3 sensor digital videocamera is made completely obsolete by dSLRs adding more and more video features.

Why spend upwards of ten thousand for a HD camcorder that wouldn't even come close visually to a three thousand dollar dSLR

I fully intend to be on this new forefront of technology, the sacrifices are far to small to even consider using any Xl2 sized video camera.

remember these two things for the next decade, 24x36mm full frame image sensor mandatory, all content produced should be geared towards capturing internet viewers market share, get in early before things become established.