Cannes Film Festival 2008

I didn't know this was possible but I came across a website that gives you 24/7 LIVE coverage of what's happening on the red carpet. Fricking U2 gave a suprise performance out of nowhere and I got to see it!!!! Not to say EVERYone likes them but i'm just giving an example of how unexpected things can happen. And plus it's a great time killer if your not doing anything haha....

May 14-25 is how long this will be running.

P.S. Has anyone checked out the movie trailers for "Blindness" or "Waltz with Bashir" because the concepts are insane!
Oh, this is too good and opportunity to miss.

I'm going to see if I can get in front of it whilst I'm at the Festival and hold up a "Hello Indietalk sign" :lol: