editing Can this intro be created (purely) in After Effects?

If the question is asking can this be created with just Vanilla After Effects, then I guess, yeah: technically, if you spent months figuring out how to do things frame by frame and piece by piece and discovered a way to make CC Particle World do things it's not designed to do.

Besides, in a practical sense, it's not really a good question to ask. With enough time and effort, anyone could technically do anything with any software, so long as they spent endless amounts of time and exploited every possible use of every last effect and filter.

Realistically, though, with the proper plugins, like Element 3D, Trapcode Particular, Form, and Shine, and perhaps pre-animated OBJ sequences from Blender or Cinema 4D, then you'd be able to put together this whole opening with the least amount of hassle, so long as you were a talented artist to start with. So in that sense, I can totally see how most of this was created, and I know basically what you would need in order to pull each part off. Without the proper plugins or resources, I could just barely begin to formulate ways of how to pull them off, but you won't be doing much in the way of 3D graphics without Element that aren't basic shape extrusions and text layers, unless the latest version of AE has a built-in Cinema 4D system, which I thought I heard is what was happening.