I've done a number of works in digital now, and am progressing into the 16mm world with some old school gear in the Arriflex 16 BL and a plethora of books on celluloid film making. The problem is that I've never been to film school, and most likely never will. Certain hands on tasks seem to just be difficult to express through pictures and book instructions(professional cameraman's handbook has great instructions and illustrations).
So my question is of course, is it safe to cut my teeth on loading the Arri 16 BL with a roll of leader instead of film stock. I'm afraid I may damage parts and such, and need a little re-assurance.
Can anyone suggest any books? I've got the following :
Five C's Of Cinematography - Joseph V Mascelli
Professional Cameraman's Handbook - Verne and Sylvia Carison
Practical Art Of Motion Picture Sound - David Lewis Yewdall
Cinematography - Kris Malkiewicz
The Technique Of Editing 16mm Film - John Burder
Before You Shoot - Helen Garvy
16mm Film Cutting - John Burder
The Camera Assistant's Manual - David E Elkins
Film Technology In Post Production - Dominic Case
The Portable Film School - D.B. Gilles
Pre-Production Planning For Video, Film, and Multimedia - Steve R. Cartwright
Film & Video Budgets - Deke Simon and Michael Wiese
The Beginning Filmmakers Guide To A Successful First Film - Renee Harmon and Jim Lawrence
Film Production The Complete Uncensored Guide To Independent Filmmaking - Greg Merrit
So my question is of course, is it safe to cut my teeth on loading the Arri 16 BL with a roll of leader instead of film stock. I'm afraid I may damage parts and such, and need a little re-assurance.
Can anyone suggest any books? I've got the following :
Five C's Of Cinematography - Joseph V Mascelli
Professional Cameraman's Handbook - Verne and Sylvia Carison
Practical Art Of Motion Picture Sound - David Lewis Yewdall
Cinematography - Kris Malkiewicz
The Technique Of Editing 16mm Film - John Burder
Before You Shoot - Helen Garvy
16mm Film Cutting - John Burder
The Camera Assistant's Manual - David E Elkins
Film Technology In Post Production - Dominic Case
The Portable Film School - D.B. Gilles
Pre-Production Planning For Video, Film, and Multimedia - Steve R. Cartwright
Film & Video Budgets - Deke Simon and Michael Wiese
The Beginning Filmmakers Guide To A Successful First Film - Renee Harmon and Jim Lawrence
Film Production The Complete Uncensored Guide To Independent Filmmaking - Greg Merrit