Calling all knowlegable Indie movie buffs! Need help!

I saw a review on TV by some critics on an indie film around June this year. It was a review of a movie that either just came out on DVD or released in theaters.

Here's the challenge. I need the title!

-The story goes a young man meets up with a young lady in the city at night from a Craigslist ad I believe...

-They seem to hit it off, maybe its kind of a love story with some dark humor mixed in.

-I believe it was in black and white.

-As my vague memory recalls it may be titled something like "Before Midnight"...

HELP! I want to see this film!

Found the link with keywords from your post through google. How are you affiliated with this film? We've seen alot of first posters asking about obscurish films as a way to promote them and have been adamant that in a community like this, you will get more appreciation by being honest if you are affiliated than by trying to hide behind the ruse of "I'm trying to find film X"... again, we've seen lots of posts just like this, if you're honestly just looking for the info, I've provided it above, but history dictates that you're involved with the film somehow and trying to get some internet buzz going by pretending to be part of an adoring audience who saw a movie and is awestruck by its magnificence, but can't remember where to find it or what it's called.
Historically on this board -- most members assume posts like this are as Knightly suggested, someone affiliated with the movie is trying to create some buzz by tricking the public into thinking you are innocently looking for information about the movie. What ends up happening is that the members get irritated and end up avoiding the movie. Kind of backfires that way...
Not affiliated, just a random shot in the dark to get the movie title

Thank you so much Knightly for getting that title for me! Now I will try to find a copy and rent it or buy it if I have to.

As I said before, I'm not affiliated with the movie. I'm just a movie fan who took a shot in the dark hoping somebody on this forum would know what movie I was talking about. (I already googled what I knew of the movie before and came up with a lot of links for a documentary about craigslist...but no romantic comedy indie film)

Once again, thank you for finding this out for me. Sorry for raising those red flags in regards to someone trying to create a buzz about their movie...understandable. After unsucessfully googling my movie description, I googled indie film sites, found this one, registered, and posted in hopes to find an answer. Much appreciated!

The specific google search was
+"before midnight" +craigslist

Then just surfed through the google results til I found a promising hit.