• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

Call for submissions - Get your film out to a new audience

Zunited.net is a community dedicated to the Zune (like an ipod) and we are building a free library of quality independent films for people to download to the Zune (or other PMP device)

All genres and lengths considered (we have UNLIMITED storage and bandwidth) feature-length, shorts, animation, sci-fi, horror, anything and everything.

This is all in the spirit of free sharing - its free to submit your film, free to download videos and free to register. Its a great way to get your film out to a new audience and a great way to get exposed to some quality indie works.

To submit your film for consideration email a link to your video to movies@zunited.net (Preference will be given to files that can be transfered online, but mailed submissions can be considered)

If you just want to check out what we have to offer visit www.zunited.net/index.php and click on the 'Zunited Video Vault' board.