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Call For Entries: The New Orleans LGBT Film Festival

Reel Identities, the New Orleans Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
and Transgender Film Festival is seeking submissions of
independent film and video with LGBT themes or by LGBT
filmmakers. The Festival is accepting shorts as well as
feature-length films and videos. Films and videos must
have been completed after January 1 2002. The deadline
for early entry is July 14th, 2003. The deadline for
final entry is August 2nd, 2003. The Entry fees are
$20 and $30 respectively.

Reel Identities has opened it's Call for Entries in the
following categories:

* Narrative Feature: Longer than 50 minutes
* Narrative Short: Shorter than 50 minutes.
* Documentary
* Animation
* Experimental

Filmmakers are encouraged to print, complete and mail our
Entry Submission Form to the following address:

Reel Identities
2114 Decatur St.
New Orleans, LA 70116

The form can be found on our website,

Reel Identities is an annual fundraiser for the Lesbian and
Gay Community Center of New Orleans.

The Lesbian and Gay Community Center of New Orleans is a
multi-cultural anti-oppression organization which strives to
provide information and referrals, cultural and social
services, crisis intervention as well as a safe haven to the
Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual and Transgendered populations in the
greater New Orleans area. The center promotes increased
understanding, tolerance and acceptance of the LGBT
community among the general public.

The Center is the home base for many local groups including
the Dyke March Organizing Committee, Black Pride, the New
Orleans Alliance of Pride and the Gay Men's Chorus. We also
collaborate with many local groups to offer programs at the
Center including the Metropolitan Community Church, Women
With A Vision, NO-AIDS Task Force, PFLAG, LAGPAC, the Jewish
Community Center, the Office of Public Health, Fiesta Latina,
and the Mexican Cultural Center of the South.

* Films/videos must have been completed after January 1, 2002.
* Filmmakers should place their submission into one of the
following categories:
* Narrative Feature: Longer than 50 minutes
* Narrative Short: Shorter than 50 minutes.
* Documentary
* Animation
* Experimental
* If entry into more than one category is desired, filmmakers
must include an entry fee for each category.
* Filmmakers are encouraged to submit early.
* Submissions MUST be postmarked by July 14th to be considered
for Early Registration. Entries postmarked after July 14th
must pay the late entry fee.
* In the event the submission is not accepted, the cassette
will be returned IF a self-addressed, pre-paid envelope is
provided by the filmmaker. Otherwise, the video and
accompanying materials will become the property
of the Festival.
* Submissions are considered on 1/2" VHS, NTSC format and
* Entry fees for the 2004 Festival are:
* $20.00 for early entries (July 14, 2003)
* $30.00 for late entries (August 2, 2003).
* Checks should be made payable to Lesbian & Gay Community
Center of New Orleans

* All filmmakers will be notified in writing regarding their
acceptance status on or about January 1, 2004.
* Upon acceptance, the filmmaker is encouraged to send
additional publicity materials necessary for the promotion
of their film at the Festival. The required may include, but
are not limited to: 3 VHS NTSC screeners of the film for the
press and jury, print and digital stills (jpegs, etc) from
the film.
* If accepted, the print/master must arrive in New Orleans
NO LATER THAN February, 1 2004.
* Once the Festival has determined the films to be included
in the 2004 Festival, the accepted films are immediately
programmed and promotion of the films begins at once using
the information provided by the filmmaker on the entry form.
Therefore, accepted filmmakers are required to notify the
Festival IMMEDIATELY of any changes regarding contact
information, premiere status, etc… (Note: Although Reel
Identities does not require that the film/video premiere
at the festival or have any exclusive status, the promotion
of the film may be affected by its status at the time of
acceptance. Therefore the promotion and publicity of
accepted films in the Festival depends on up-to-date
information from the filmmakers.)
* All video masters MUST be delivered in NTSC format.
* The 1/2" VHS tape of all accepted entries will be kept by
the Festival for its non-circulating archives.
* Accepted films/videos will be programmed at the Festival's
discretion; the screening times and dates cannot be changed
unless deemed necessary by the Festival due to technical
* Accepted films, Festival award-winners, and curated series
films may be included in special programs that feature
highlights from the Festival. Arrangements will be made
with filmmakers and/or distributors.
* The Festival encourages filmmakers to secure ALL music
and talent rights to their films.