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Call for Entries -- ANTIMATTER 2005

Antimatter Underground Film Festival

Sept. 16-24, 2005 Victoria, BC, Canada

Entry Deadline: April 15/05 (early); May 31/05 (final).

Eighth annual international festival seeks imaginative, volatile, entertaining and critical films and videos. Antimatter is dedicated to cinema as art vs. product, regardless of the subversive or dangerous nature of its content, stylistic concerns or commercial viability. Selected works may be included in upcoming international tours. Industrial, commercial and studio products ineligible. Max 30 minutes, completed within past two years.

Categories: any style or genre, short.
Formats: 16mm, Super 8, MiniDV, DVD, VHS.
Entry Fee: $10 (early); $20 (final).

Contact: Antimatter, F - 1322 Broad St, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8W 2A9
(250) 385-3327; info@antimatter.ws; www.antimatter.ws

Complete entry info/form available on our website at www.antimatter.ws